You are the driver of the blue car. Of the four hazards marked, which one is most likely to require you to take urgent action? You are the driver of the blue car. Of the four hazards marked, which one is most likely to require you to take urgent action?

  • A. The man on the opposite side of the road

  • B. The child on your side of the road

  • C. The parked car on your side of the road

  • D. The parked car on the opposite side of the road

    The correct answer is B
    Children can be unpredictable around vehicles as they don't always understand the dangers

Identifying pedestrian hazards on the road

Looking at the stretch of road in the diagram there are several possible hazards.

The hitchhiker at A is hitching in a place where drivers should have their attention elsewhere: on the pedestrian crossing. Any driver picking the hitchhiker up would have to pull in very sharply around the red car on the left, or would end up parking on the pedestrian crossing, which is illegal - you must not park or stop your vehicle on or nearer than 6m to the approach side of a pedestrian crossing unless there are marked bays. As the person hitching a lift is on the other side of the road, they most likely won't create a hazard for you.

The child at B is the obvious hazard. Children can be unpredictable on roads as they can be distracted easily, they don't have an understanding of driving and they aren't as good at judging the speed of approaching vehicles.

The vehicle at C could become a hazard if it was indicating to pull out from behind vehicle D. You will have to look to see if you can see any intention. You might see a driver's head turning around to check the blind spots, or the wheels starting to turn to move away from the kerb. As the vehicle is fairly close to the red car D it might reverse slightly before moving away and you would see its reversing lights.

C also creates a blind spot between it and vehicle D. This might be obscuring another child. If vehicle D wants to move away from the kerb, its view out of the rear view mirror will be obstructed, however, the driver should be able to see you in the wing mirror and perhaps by looking over his shoulder.

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