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Buy Learner Licence Plus course and improve your chances of passing first time to 99%
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Try a random selection of questions for your motorbike licence which covers all the Road Code sections. All practise questions are multiple choice and will challenge your knowledge of the road rules.
The question modules contain Road Code questions for preparation to take your class 6 motorbike licence.
Once you've completed your basic handling skills test, practise for your learner licence by taking these mock theory tests. Once you have passed you can ride on the road on a LAMS-approved motorbike. If you are moving from another country you can usually exchange your licence for one of the same class.
This website works on your computer, tablet or smartphone. Bookmark it on your smartphone and you can take the quizzes just before you go in to take the actual driving theory test and the knowledge will be fresh in your short-term memory, too.