A. 50 metres
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A. 50 metres
B. 100 metres
C. 150 metres
D. 200 metres
The least distance of clear road you must have in front of you when you have finished passing another vehicle is 100m.
Remember that you shouldn’t exceed the speed limit when passing, so be sure to allow yourself enough time to complete the passing manoeuvre.
Before you pull out to overtake, check you are not being overtaken yourself.
Wait until you can see the vehicle you are passing in your rear view mirror before signalling left and moving back to the left. If you are towing a trailer you will need to leave extra distance before moving back across so that you don’t cut the other vehicle off.
If you are moving back into a line of traffic you will need to quickly adjust your following distance. By moving in, you will have halved the gap between the vehicle you've just overtaken and the one in front of you. If the vehicle in front has to brake hard, you might run into the back of it, or the vehicle behind might not have had time to drop back enough.
If you are passing a motorcyclist and you are driving a large vehicle like a truck or a car towing a caravan be aware that your slipstream can unbalance the motorbike.
If you are overtaking in lower visibility don’t assume that other drivers will have their headlights on. It can be quite difficult to see darker-coloured cars when it’s gloomy.
Always check twice for motorbikes coming towards you as they are less visible, and pay attention to any signs that might indicate there’s a dip or crest ahead that could obscure your view, or uneven road which could unsettle your vehicle.
While you are overtaking, make sure you are looking well ahead so that you're not caught out by an unexpected sharp corner after you've moved back into the lane. Keeping visibility at least 100m after you've finished overtaking will give you time to brake for any obstacles ahead.
Read our guide about advanced overtaking and you’ll learn how to clearly signal to other drivers that you are overtaking. It explains advanced techniques that will help keep you safe, including judging distance, identifying hazards ahead, positioning yourself correctly and making the move.