A. Drive up to 100km before stopping
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A. Drive up to 100km before stopping
B. A car or motorbike can drive at up to 100km/h if the conditions are OK
C. The minimum speed in the overtaking lane is 100km/h
D. Any vehicle can travel up to 100km/h
The sign indicates a 100km/h speed limit. But only some vehicles are not allowed to travel at 100km/h.
Heavy vehicles (vehicles with a gross vehicle mass of over 3500kg) and heavy vehicles towing trailers are limited to 90km/h.
Vehicles with a GVM of 2000kg or more that are displaying school bus signs are limited to 80kph.
Light vehicles towing trailers are limited to 90km/h.
Heavy vehicles constructed without springs or other forms of suspension between its road wheels and the chassis are limited to 45km/h.
New Zealand speed limits are covered in detail in this article.
The open road speed limit is slightly different to the 100km/h speed limit in that it is used on roads where there is technically a limit of 100km/h, but it's unlikely you will be able to do that speed all the time because the road will have sharp bends and other features that mean you will have to slow down.