What should you do if the vehicle behind starts to pass you? What should you do if the vehicle behind starts to pass you?

  • A. Stay in the right-hand side of the lane so they can't pass

  • B. Speed up so they don't need to pass

  • C. Stay in the middle of your lane as the left of the lane is more dangerous

  • D. Move as far to the left of the road as is safe. Be prepared to slow down to ensure a safe passing manoeuvre

    The correct answer is D
    You can also make sure that you keep to the left of the lane to give more room for the passing vehicle, but don't move too far left as road sweepers can move debris off the main driven road surface and moving too far over can cause a puncture. If it's night, remember to dip your headlights as the other driver passes.

What do you do if an accident is about to happen?

If you notice a vehicle ahead that the overtaking vehicle hasn't noticed, there's a potential problem. You could maintain your speed and that would mean the overtaking vehicle would have to brake, but at least they would be able to get in behind you more quickly.

If you brake and the other vehicle brakes, we can assume it will probably be at a similar pace and it would make it difficult for the other vehicle to pull to the left because your vehicle will still be in the way.

If you brake and the other vehicle doesn't then you will minimise the time required for it to overtake you and pull back in to the left-hand lane. 

Ultimately, if an accident is going to occur and you could be involved in it, it's best for you to be going as slowly as possible. 

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