A. If you are reversing and wouldn't be able to remain in control of the vehicle
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A. If you are reversing and wouldn't be able to remain in control of the vehicle
B. If you are a taxi driver plying for hire
C. If you are a driver or passenger who has to stop frequently to, for example, read meters, and the vehicle you're in travels at less than 50km/h
D. If you are unable to reach the controls if you wear a safety belt
E. If you have a medical exemption from wearing a safety belt
Front and back seats in all modern cars are fitted with seatbelts. Some older cars require webbing clamps to improve the effectiveness of the belts.
In New Zealand you have to wear a safety belt if your vehicle was fitted with one. All children aged under 7 must use an approved child restraint. Children aged 8-14 must use safety belts if available; if not, they must travel in the back seat.
As mentioned above there are scenarios where you don't have to wear a safety belt. The full list is:
Applying for an exemption can be done with NZTA. It's non-refundable whether or not your extension is granted.
All campervans built on or after 1 October 2003, or vehicles converted to motorhomes after 1 October 2003, must be fitted with safety belts.
They must have at least the same number of belts as there are sleeping berths, e.g. if it sleeps 4 there must be at least 4 safety belts.
The front driver and passenger must have three-point, dual-sensitive, retractor safety belts. A front middle seat must at least have a lap belt. All rear seats must have at least a lap belt. It's recommended that seatbelts are upgraded to lap and diagonal if possible unless they are sideways facing in which case they must remain lap belts.