Australian Road Rules

Based on the NSW Road User's Handbook

$15 +GST per person ($17.25)

Australian Road Rules

Based on the NSW Road User's Handbook

Whether you're working in Australia or just visiting for work, knowing the road rules is an essential part of being a safe driver. 

This course covers the driving rules that drivers with driving experience in Australia should know but might have forgotten. For visiting drivers it provides a solid knowledge, allowing them to understand the differences in the rules from their own country. It perfectly complements the Fleet Driver Plan which contains driver health and safety, advanced driving knowledge and vehicle safety modules.

The modules are for car, heavy vehicle and passenger vehicle drivers. Each module contains a quiz of the road rules based on that topic.

Drivers can refer to the NSW Road User's Handbook. The quizzes conform to New South Wales road rules. The majority of rules in Australia are the same nationwide, but there may be minor differences from state-to-state.

Who is this course for?

  • Drivers working in Australia
  • Drivers visiting Australia


  • Computer, smartphone or tablet with internet access

Note: this course is not designed to substitute for Driver Knowledge Test practice for the learner licence in New South Wales.

$15 +GST per person ($17.25)

Australian Road Rules


Certificate of Completion


Approximately 1.25-1.75 hours


Full access for 1 year

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Course provided by
DT Driver Training

DT Driver Training is the largest provider of driver theory training in New Zealand with hundreds of thousands of satisfied users.

Training modules

Australian road rules

General road rules for driving in Australia, based on New South Wales rules

Australian Road Rules

Based on the NSW Road User's Handbook

$15 +GST per person ($17.25)

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