A. You're driving in an area with street lights
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A. You're driving in an area with street lights
B. When a police officer is directing traffic
C. When you are following another car
D. When another car is coming towards you
E. If you stop on the side of the road
You must dip your high beam headlights when a police officer is directing traffic, when you are following another vehicle (within 200m), when you are approaching another vehicle (within 200m), and when you are parked.
You don't need to dip your lights when driving in an area with street lights unless there are other vehicles. Driving with your high-beam headlights, even with streetlights, will help you see the way ahead more clearly, especially things like animals or debris on the road.
Familiarise yourself with how to turn your high-beam headlights to low-beam quickly so that you don't blind other drivers.
Turning your high beam or full beam headlights on is usually by pushing forward the lights stalk on your steering column, and turning them off is by pulling it back (i.e. returning it to where it naturally rests). Pulling back further will flash the lights.
If your full beam headlights are on you will see an icon like this on your instrument cluster.
Some modern cars come with automatic headlight detection and will dip your headlights for you.