A. Traffic lights
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A. Traffic lights
B. Give Way rules
C. Road signs, such as stop signs
D. All of the above
At an intersection a police officer's hand signals overrule traffic lights, give way rules and any other signs.
Remember that if it's at night then you should use dipped headlights so that you don't dazzle the police officer.
You will see a police officer at an intersection in the following circumstances:
Police officers use internationally accepted hand signals to beckon and stop traffic:
Beckoning vehicles coming from the front. This means if you are facing the officer you can drive past the officer.
The officer is beckoning all vehicles from the right saying that they can pass straight through.
The officer is beckoning vehicles approaching from the left and stopping vehicles facing him.
The officer is stopping all vehicles.
Vehicles coming from the right and turning right can proceed. Vehicles from the left are stopped.
Vehicles approaching from behind must stop.
Vehicles in front and behind must stop.
Vehicles approaching from the front must stop
Vehicles from the left that want to turn right are stopped.
Vehicles from the right are stopped. Vehicles from the left are allowed to turn right.