A. Only commercial vehicles can park here, and only for five minutes
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A. Only commercial vehicles can park here, and only for five minutes
B. Any vehicle can park here, but it must not be left unattended for more than five minutes
C. Any vehicle can park here to unload goods or people, but only for five minutes and then it has to be moved
D. Any vehicle can park here to unload goods or people, but it must not be left unattended for more than five minutes
You can park your vehicle in a loading zone at any time for the purposes of unloading, but only for the amount of time shown on the sign.
There are various types of loading zones. They are created for vehicles that will need short term parking to pick up or drop off goods or passengers. Time limits vary but are usually 5 minutes.
They are almost always situated with one end of them free to allow for easy unloading out of the back of vehicles like trucks and vans. They also tend to be located in areas where they will be the most use to goods vehicles, such as near hotels or near a cluster of restaurants or businesses that would receive regular deliveries.
A simple sign might advise that the area is a 5-minute loading zone. This means that any vehicle can use this loading zone for as long as they require to unload or load goods or passengers as long as the vehicle isn't left unattended for more than 5 minutes.
The loading zone sign might also have additional instructions on a supplementary plate indicating vehicle class and time restrictions. Examples could include 'Goods vehicles only' (which would restrict it to only commercial vehicles), '5 min MAXIMUM' (which means that the total time you are allowed to park in this loading zone is 5 minutes whether you remain with the vehicle or not) or '8am-6pm' (which defines the time the loading zone is a loading zone and not a regular car parking space.