A. $300 fine
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A. $300 fine
B. your restricted licence is suspended for 3 months and you are fined $100
C. 35 demerit points and a $100 fine
D. 25 demerit points and a $100 fine
In New Zealand we have a graduated driver licence system (GDLS). This means you get a learner licence first, then progress to a restricted licence and finally a full licence.
A restricted licence helps you gain experience with minimum unnecessary distractions in situations with lower risk, but withouth unduly restricting you from using your car to go to work, for example.
Having a restricted licence means you can't carry passengers without a supervisor present unless they are close relatives or people under your care. This means you can only carry:
You are not allowed to drive without a supervisor between 10pm and 5am.
If you sat your test in an automatic car, you can only drive an automatic car on your restricted licence unless you're accompanied by a supervisor.
Restricted licences are valid for five years from the date of issue.