A. Vehicles moving downhill should give way to vehicles moving uphill
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A. Vehicles moving downhill should give way to vehicles moving uphill
B. Sound your horn and signal the other vehicle to move out of the way
C. Carry on - the other vehicle will move out of the way
D. Flash your headlights to determine who goes first
When driving downhill you need to be aware of the following:
Therefore, brake early and get your speed right before the corner for any corners when you are going downhill. On narrow roads be prepared to stop.
If you are driving on surfaces that are slippery, for example icy roads, it can sometimes not be possible to stop at all, as you can see in this video. See just how quickly the second car picks up speed.
You can conserve your brakes and reduce brake fade by changing down one or two gears to help use engine braking. If you are driving an automatic vehicle, change to the manual or sequential mode. The automatic gearbox will prevent you changing down into a gear that's too low.
If you are braking downhill there is more chance of the load shifting forwards, whether you are in a car, van or truck. This guide explains how to carry things in a car.