A. Fire officer
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A. Fire officer
B. Ambulance officer
C. Police officer
D. Tow truck driver
The police can stop your vehicle to check its roadworthiness at the road side. It's called a TWIRL (tyres, windscreen, indicators, rust and lights). If a police officer suspects that the vehicle you are driving might not be roadworthy they will pull you over and conduct a short test, plus check your driver licence and possibly do a breath screening test. They might also conduct the test if you've been pulled over for a traffic offence such as speeding or driving inconsiderately.
It's not a Warrant of Fitness test. For minor infringements police will usually be lenient and offer 'traffic compliance' if you are polite and compliant, for example if your Warrant has only just expired. They will help advise you how to get the item fixed and why.
The seven main areas they will check are tyres - looking for the tread depth and general condition plus inflation level. If your vehicle is modified and has extra camber, then your tyres can wear on the inside more quickly. Indicator blocks in the tread will show where the tread depth is less than 1.5mm.
They will check the lights work and aren't obscured, e.g. not covered by tape. Indicator, park, brake and headlights must work.
Obvious rust patches in structural areas could be cause for concern, and could mean the vehicle isn't roadworthy. There must not be any loose or damaged parts.
The windscreen should not have any cracks and damage in the critical vision area.
Your wipers must work.
Mirrors should be present and not damaged. Vehicles made after 2000 must have both wing mirrors and a rear-view mirror. Vehicles made before 2000 must have either a rear view mirror or a wing mirror on the driver's side.
Safety belts must not be damaged or overly faded and the buckles must work correctly.
Correct child restraints must be in the vehicle for any children under 8 years old.
The exhaust system is checked for leaks and smoke. There should be no cracks in the exhaust. The exhaust must not be overly noisy.
Suspension system. There should be clearance between the tyres and bodywork and no components should be touching the ground.
If you have a modified car it might need a certification from LVVTA.
Traffic compliance may be offered for minor defects such as worn tyres or smoky vehicles. The defects must be repaired
If the defects are major, it might be green-stickered. Conditions for driving the vehicle will be given. A new WoF isn't required if it's a simple fix, but the police may require you to prove you've fixed it. Otherwise, a new Warrant of Fitness will be required.
If the defects are serious, the vehicle is unsafe and will be pink-stickered. It must not be driven, and must be fixed immediately. A new WoF will be issued.
If you have already been pulled over for a specific issue, or you have significant problems then police might fine you. Just remember: be courteous and polite and offer solutions to the officer rather than making life difficult for them. This way you will stay on the officer's good side and have more of a chance of driving away from the inspection with the ability to fix your car without getting a fine.