Theory test
When you take the final learner test it is available in a number of other languages as well as English:
- Arabic
- Chinese (simplified and traditional)
- Filipino
- Gujarati
- Hindi
- Korean
- Māori
- Punjabi
- Samoan
- Thai
- Tongan.
All New Zealand’s road signs are in English, so it’s important that drivers understand the meaning of these signs otherwise they risk driving into danger.
Practical test
The practical test will be delivered in English. However, you can bring an interpreter with you who will sit in the rear of the car.
Other languages
We get requests from speakers of languages such as Spanish, Italian and Russian fairly regularly. We advise you look for a driving instructor that speaks those languages who can help you. However, there is not much choice when it comes to alternative languages, especially if you are not in Auckland or Wellington.
Can training courses be done in other languages
The questions in all of our courses are able to be translated to one of over 130 languages if you are using the site on a computer or tablet, including te reo Maori. Simply choose the language you’d like to view it in from the Select language menu at the top of the screen.