There are three types of road signs: compulsory signs, warning signs and information signs.
Information signs are mostly black and white, blue and white or green and white, and are rectangular.
They display:
- Distances to places (green and white)
- Parking (blue and white)
- Road condition advisory signs (black and white, or orange and black)
- Tourist (brown and white)
Where are the specifications for sign design found?
The Traffic Control Devices Manual (TCD) replaces MOTSAM and contains 16 documents explaining the requirements for designing or producing signs.
Distance signs
Distance signs are given in kilometres and may have the state highway number for main routes.
Parking information signs
Blue and white parking signs display:
- Restricted time parking that indicates a parking time limit in a particular direction
- Parking reserved for described vehicle classes (bus, shuttle, motorcycle, authorised vehicles, goods vehicles)
- Parking reserved for specific users (disabled road users, for example)
- Parking reserved for certain activities (loading zones, reserved parking)
Parking signs that are red and white are regulatory parking signs. Read more about regulatory parking signs here
Road condition advisory signs
These indicate passing lanes, passing bays, slow vehicle bays, heavy traffic detours, turning instructions (e.g. turn left at any time with care), bridge limits, and railway crossing details (e.g. bells off 9:30pm – 7am). They can be used in orange and black for temporary information and construction zones, and where there are detours and road closures. Road condition signs give information for cyclists.
Tourist destination signs
Read more information about tourist signs here.
Bridges and culverts
While bridge and culvert signs seem to be information signs, they are actually part of asset identification sign design and placement. The specifications for them are outlined in the location referencing management system. They are marked in either direction.